Codruţa Cuceu (b. 1979) is the manager of the project entitled: FRAGMED – A Transylvanian puzzle: reconstructing medieval culture from manuscript fragments and she is also a senior scientific researcher within the Department of Social-Humanistic Research of the “George Barițiu” Institute of History, Romanian Academy,Cluj-Napoca Branch. She is a “Babeş-Bolyai” University Alumni as she holds a BA degree in Philosophy (2002) and a MA degree in “Culture and Communication” (2003). In 2010, she defended her PhD thesis in Philosopy and benefited, thereafter, from a postdoctoral fellowship (2011-2013) at the Romanian Academy, Iași Branch. During the PhD and postdoctoral studies, she has carried out several international research internships at Central European University (2013), Philosophische Facultät III, Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Humboldt Universität, Berlin (2011-2012), Bergische Universität Wuppertal (2009), Institut für Philosophie, Universität Wien (2006. Her research filds are: (Applied) Ethics, Political and Social Philosophy, Philosophy of Religions and Romanian Philosophy. She is the author of the book “Public space and private space. A Romanian perspective ”(2013) and of over fifty studies and articles published in collective volumes or in national and international journals. She also published several critical editions of Eugeniu Sperantia’s works and a Romanian translation of an English volume concerning philosophy of religions. In addition to her research work, she has coordinated six projects funded either by the European Commission or by other national institutions and she has been a member of three other collective research projects.

Adrian Papahagi Adrian Papahagi is Associate Professor, PhD. habil. at the Faculty of Letters, “Babeș-Bolyai” University and leader of the Center for the History of Books and Texts (CODEX). Medievalist with a PhD defended in Paris IV-Sorbonne University (2006), he was a foreign student at the École Normale Supérieure and a fellow at The Warburg Institute-London, Maison française d’Oxford and New Europe College-Bucharest. Between 1999-2005, he taught at Sorbonne, at the Catholic Institute in Paris and at the Institut national supérieur du professorat et de l’éducation, Versailles. He teaches Latin Paleography and Codicology at “Babeș-Bolyai” University – Cluj-Napoca, as well as a Codicology course within the “European Diploma of Medieval Studies” of the International Federation of Institutes of Medieval Studies (FIDEM). He researches and writes about the Boethius tradition in the early Middle Ages, Old English literature, Shakespeare’s work, and about insular Carolingian or Transylvanian manuscripts and libraries. He coordinated the work entitled Western Medieval Manuscripts in Romania. Census, Iași: Polirom, 2018 (with A. C. Dincă and A. Mârza).

Bogdan Crăciun (b. 1961), holds an MA in Historical Anthropology (2002) and a Ph.D. in Modern History (2010). His scientific interest is focused on 19th Century Transylvania and particularly on the use and exploitation of specific sources of historical demography, needed in the development of databases used for the reconstruction of families.
Bogdan Crăciun has a good managerial experience being since 2007 the head of the Old and rare books department within the Library of the Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca Branch and leading in this quality small scale digitization projects. He also has a solid research experience, as project leader (2 projects) and as team member (5 projects). His latest involvement was in the international project The Digital Library: premises and concepts (2015), developed in collaboration with The Norwegian Color and Visual Computing Laboratory – Gjøvik University College, to develop a Plan for the creation of a Digital Library in order to capitalize on the cultural heritage of the Academic Library.
Bogdan Crăciun is co-author of a bibliography regarding population studies in Romania and of a volume dedicated to the inventory of the old Romanian book from the Habsburg Empire, co-edited a 19th century conscription and published a fair number of studies in prestigious Romanian and international journals. He was awarded the Romanian Academy Award (2018) and the “Cultural Distinction” Medal of the Cluj-Napoca Branch of the Romanian Academy (2015).

Alexandru Ştirban is the head of the Alba-Iulia National Center for the Old Books Conservation and Restoration within the Alba-Iulia National Union Museum. As a Restoration Expert and head of the Center, he enjoys a vast and rich activity both in the field of cultural and national heritage restoration, and in the domain of scientific research concerning identifying the best methods of preventive preservation, curative preservation and restoration of old books and documents. The experience gained across years of work in these fields has materialized in the restoration of a large number of heritage objects, studies and articles published in scientific journals, in designing, planning and curating exhibitions, initiating films and media activities. The specialized activity carried out is confirmed by the multiple restoration contracts agreed and signed with large museums, libraries or churches and parishes from Romania and from abroad, by the research programs carried out with national and international institutions, as well as by the contribution brought in the field of training and specialization of future specialists in the field. The initiative of founding the National Center for Old Books Conservation and Restoration in Alba Iulia (1996), this institution’s validation and affirmation at national and international level, contributed to making both specialists and the large public aware of the issues related to saving the cultural national heritage.

Sturla Bjerkaker With university studies in sociology, pedagogy, and adult education, Sturla is an experienced adult educator with long standing engagements both in Norway and abroad. He was for almost 20 years general secretary for the Norwegian Association for Adult Learning. He was also principal for the Nordic Folk Academy run by the Nordic Council of Ministers. He has been board member of the European Association for the Education of Adults and the International Council for Adult Education. Since 2014 Sturla is a member of the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame. Present he is through his NGO Bjerkaker LearningLab involved in several European project in fields like democracy, active citizenship, culture and ageing.

Kristina Skåden (b.1965) has extensive experience from research, publication, teaching, cultural heritage management and museums work. She has a background in cultural history and art history, and a PhD in science and technology studies (STS)/cultural history and landscape studies, from the University of Oslo. Since 2020, she has been Senior Curator (NMF) at the museum Maihaugen, The foundation Lillehammer Museum, Norway. At the museum her main interests are researching, planning exhibitions and projects. She has been visiting scholar at The Center for Technology and Society at the Technische Universität Berlin and at EHGO/UMR Geographié-cités, Paris. During a three-year postdoc, at the University of Oslo, the main research object was relations between digital humanities and history of knowledge. Skåden has worked within the field of cultural heritage by managing Technical and Industrial Cultural Heritage at The Directorate for Cultural Heritage, by being a senior consult at the office for cultural heritage at the County municipality Hedmark/Innlandet and by being an independent researcher and consulter. Areas of interest includes critical cultural heritage, science and technology studies, Actor Network theory, museology, history of knowledge and feminist studies.

Druța Monica works as a conservation-restoration assistant within the project. She started her professional activity in 2006 as a curator at the Zalău County Museum of History and Art, and since 2016 she has been a curator at the Alba Iulia National Union Museum. A graduate of the December the 1st 1918 University of Alba Iulia, Faculty of History and Philology, specializing in Museology, Heritage Conservation and Restoration. She became in 2009 an accredited curator (specializing in art objects and monuments) of the Ministry of Education, Research and Youth and of the Ministry of Labor, Family and Equal Opportunities. In 2012 she became an Accredited Expert by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage in the field of Conservation of Mobile Heritage. Her scientific activity includes numerous papers published in specialized journals that deal with the preventive conservation of mobile heritage (The conception and implementation of the project for the warehouse of archeological material coming from the archeological site of Suplacu de Barcău/Porț ”Corău”, The preventive conservation of a glass impressions collection from the patrimony of the Zalău County Museum of History and Art, Changing the location of a warehouse of movable cultural goods and the role of preventive conservation in this operation, etc.) She started in 2020 a doctoral research project regarding the conservation activity within museum institutions at the Babeș Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Doctoral School in Population Studies and History of Minorities.

Maria Similia Zgârciu works as an Old Book Conservation-Restoration Expert at the National Center for Old Book Conservation and Restoration within the Alba Iulia National Union Museum. Her activity focuses on identifying the factors of deterioration that endanger the health of objects from paper, respectively, finding the best methods of conservation, restoration and recovery. She elaborates conservation sheets, proposes restoration methodologies, provides information about the nature of the supporting materials and those used in the conservation and restoration processes. She also deals with the development and promotion of studies on the use of information obtained through procedures, to be used in scientific and educational projects, in support of the conservation, restoration and protection of cultural heritage.

Marius Nicolae Anghel works a Book Binding Restoration Expert at the National Center for Old Books Conservation and Restoration within the Alba Iulia National Union Museum. His work involves restoring the original bindings of the books or making new ones, depending on the specific features of each book. He performs specialized treatments on heritage objects from the collections of the National Union Museum, as well as those belonging to other owners, namely museums, cultural and religious institutions. His entire activity is subordinated to the idea of conservation-restoration of the national heritage and put to work by the setting up of exhibitions and participation with works to specialized exhibitions, as well as by the practical training of future restorers.

Tudor Vlassa is an assistant old books restorer within the Fragmed project and IT coordinator at the Library of the Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca Branch. He has a degree in Political Science, English line of study and a Master’s degree in Political Organizations Management and Communication Sciences. He studied postgraduate librarianship at the Faculty of History and Philosophy. He is a PR representative at the Club of Japanese Culture in Cluj-Napoca, having a direct connection with the Japanese Cultural Center and the Center for International Cooperation within UBB.

Mihai-Daniel Brașovean is the financial expert of the FRAGMED project on the part of the promoter the Romanian Academy Cluj-Napoca Branch. He is also an accountant at the 02216 Cluj-Napoca Military Unit. He has been a member of the choir of the Metropolitan Orthodox Cathedral of Cluj-Napoca since 2014. He attended the courses of the Faculty of Economics and Business Management at Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, master’s degree in 2009-2011 and bachelor’s degree in 2006-2009. He attended the courses of the Orthodox High School Theological Seminary “St. Iosif Mărturisitorul” from Baia Mare from 2000 to 2005. He was conductor of the mixed choir of the Orthodox Parish Dej 1 “St. Archangels Michael and Gabriel” during 2004-2014.

Daniela Iulia Rusu has been employed at the Alba-Iulia National Union Museum since 2017 within the Financial – Accounting Department, having the position of specialized inspector. He graduated from the Orthodox Theological Seminary “Metropolitan Simion Stefan” in Alba Iulia (2006 – 2010), then attended the Faculty of Economics, Specialization “Accounting and Management Informatics” at the “December 1, 1918” University of Alba Iulia (2011 – 2014). Currently, she records and processes the accounting documents of the economic processes and phenomena that appear within the patrimonial unit and can be expressed in numbers. She is a financial expert for projects financed by European non-reimbursable funds and accessed by the Alba-Iulia National Union Museum. Within these projects, she deals with the operation of financial transactions related to the implementation of the project, ensuring and assuming responsibility for the proper conduct of financial-accounting activities and preparation of specific documents for settlements and reimbursements, verification of eligibility of expenses sent for settlement, proposal of corrective solutions in case of financial malfunctions of the project.